Saturday, August 29, 2015


I had a blog once. It seems a lifetime ago, as I seem to to have packed a few lives in one, (and hopefully there are a few more to come). And I've been meaning to write "publicly" again for a few months. Ah...there's the rub! For what should I write about?

It's been proven empirically, as well as in birth charts, meditation, energy readings and therapy, that I have a "vocation for communication".  And a vast range of topics to boot! Should I blog about my life as a nomad? Or about education? Maybe about being an auntie? Or dating and singlehood at 40? Consumerism? Friendship? Food? And then... should I write in English or Spanish?

Now it's hit me. I'll just write about ME! Unlike my old blog, which was also about me, but focused on the adventures and misadventures of party life in BA, this one will be more of a pot-luck meal.

Thus...Written Selfie, or Selfie en Palabras.