Tuesday, March 31, 2020

If I'd packed with a crystal ball....

...I wouldn't have packed so economically.

Here's a list of stuff I "need", now that my stay in Buenos Aires is extended indefinitely. 

(Will the word "need" ever mean the same, btw?)

- Spare tips for my Remarkable. I hate writing with a blunt or scratchy tip.
- My "Some lines a Day" journal
- My other pair of glasses. 
- Cash.
- Bluetooth speaker & bluetooth headphones.
- My Pranamat.
- A hoodie and some long sleeved tops.
- Another pair of jeans.
- Keto strips and Keto bars.
- More of all my toiletries.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Time between Times- Acceptance and letting go

A chain of events found me visiting Buenos Aires, atypically, in early March. For the first time in years, I had no commitments in China for the Spring, and before Coronavirus became a reality for the rest of the world, I took the opportunity and came to visit my family in Argentina.

Less than a week after my arrival, all hell broke loose in Europe. Argentina put newly-arrived travelers (like me) on a compulsory quarantine, and by the time that one ended, the whole country was on lockdown, my flight to Zagreb had been cancelled indefinitely, and the borders shut till further notice.

I'm caught in a time between times, in a place between places. And what's special? We're all in the same situation, give or take. And I cannot but be constantly aware that, as usual, I fall on the privileged side of catastrophe.

Staying at a dear friend's. In brilliant company, the house is gorgeous, well lit, immersed in a canopy of green and with a spectacular terrace that the good weather allows me to use as an office. And a very catty cat who's Queen of the realm.

Not being in Zagreb also means that I avoided the biggest earthquake that hit our city in 140 years! So in case I wasn't grateful, that!

Despite counting all the blessings (repeatedly), I have some bad moments. They're invariably triggered by me trying to make any kind of plan for the future.

Lesson 1 on my end has most definitely been about ACCEPTANCE  and LETTING GO.

Whatever I thought I had learnt about those...I've been catapulted to the super-advanced course. I'll keep you posted.